Feedback Strategies


(image of human silhouettes holding up blank comments, source)

Try Feedforward Instead of Feedback is the first article that I read about feedback strategies and more on giving feedback. I found this idea of Feedforwarding to be very interesting and useful. A lot of the usual feedback that people give is focused on the past and what has happened where as Feedforwarding focuses more on the future and what could happen, this is a more expansive feedback as you can't really change the past but the future is full of infinite possibilities. Some points and benefits of feedforwarding that I've taken from the article are:
- It can be more productive to help people learn to be right than prove they are wrong
- People do not take feedforward as personally as feedback
- People tend to listen more attentively to feedforward than feedback
- Feedforward tends to be much faster and more efficient than feedback

How to Give Bad Feedback Without Being a Jerk is the second article that i read about giving feedback and I really liked the points that were brought up and definitely want to apply and use these in the future! The article first started to go over something known as the compliment sandwich which is when you sandwich a bad feedback in between two good. The reason this isn't good is that firstly when people hear you start with a positive they know a negative is coming so they don't even take in the positive no matter how good it would be because they are too focused on the negative. Secondly if they do take in the positive really well then you risk then not taking the negative or it possibly being ignored. Here are a few ways you can go about giving bad feedback without having to sandwich it:
- Explain why you’re giving the feedback
- Take yourself off a pedestal and give example of when you received negative feedback and how it's made you grow
- Ask if the person wants feedback
- Have a transparent dialogue, not a manipulative monologue


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