Unity Tutorial 04


(image of my unity editor during lesson 2)

This week for our Unity tutorials I completed my second lesson and finished the game where we have to feed the animals food. Overall I found it to be quite fun and really enjoyed it and also learned some new things. I also attempted the second challenge and completed the main parts required but didn't attempt the extra parts this time around.

For lesson 2.4 I learned all about Collision Decisions to make the players food collide with the animals and feed them. To do this I learned how to create a custom method/function. I used InvokeRepeating() to repeat some of the code. I added colliding boxes to the animals and pizza and set them as triggers. I also learned how to override functions and also added a Log Debug message to the console so I know when the game is over. 

For the challenge we were given a game that wasn't working properly where the player sent out a dog to catch a random ball that was falling. The first issue was that the dog was spawning at the top of the screen where the balls where meant to be spawning and the balls were spawning at the players feet where the dogs were meant to spawn so I changed their spawn locations. I then fixed the dogs colliding boxes as they were too big. Next I fixed the code for the objects being destroyed off screen and also randomized the ball types that were spawning.


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