Tutorial 06

(an image showing the title of the tutorial)

 This week for my unity tutorials I learned about user interfaces and heads up displays as well as Dialog Raycast

When learning about user interfaces and heads up displays, I first created a UI Canvas. I then learned about the rect transform which is like transform but with an ui element and I kept an overlay for the screen space. I then used the canvas scaler and set it to constant pixel size. I added an image to the ui and went to editing the ui , resizing my image, anchoring the image to the top corner. I then added a portrait and created the healbar along with its scripts. I really found this part interesting and it touched on some of the things I had to self learn for the game we are making for group project. I definitely found this insightful.

For the dialof raycast tutorial I first created a new character named Jambi, who is a frog that give Ruby her mission. I then wrote up some raycasting script for when the plater is in front of the character and presses the X key to check if the raycast has hit a collider and if so, make a dialog ui appear. I then learned how to change my scene and add text to my canvas and then display that text. After that, I checked my scripts to make sure they are in working order.
